Spring Guide 2024
Martial Arts
Shotokan Karate 4 years & older These programs provide a variety of benefits for students of all ages, including better coordination, agility, strength, poise and muscle tone. Karate is also an excellent method of self-defense. All classes are taught by instructors from the Illinois Shotokan Karate Club, under the direction of John DiPasquale, a four-time Nation al Champion, and President of the American Shotokan Karate Association. Beginner students will not be permitted to register into the current session after the second class date. Registration for continuers through advanced students will be accepted after the start date, but the full class fee is required. Please note that the Youth, Parent/Child and Adult classes will train together. Contractual
Come to Shotokan Karate class wearing comfortable clothing (Ex. T-shirt and sweat pants or shorts). After the first few classes, it is highly recommended that you begin wearing an Illinois Shotokan
Karate Club approved karate gi and belt for class. You may order a gi from your instructor in class, The cost of our standard uniform is $59.00 which includes the white pants, top, belt and a club patch. We accept cash or checks. No credit cards.
Spring • Tuesdays - April 2-June 4
Program #
Fee (R)/(NR) Location
4-6 Years
Pre-Karate Beginner (No experience-1 session) Pre-Karate Novice (3+ sessions or Instr. Perm.) Beginner/Continuer (White - Red Belts) Novice/Intermediate (Orange - Green Belts) Advanced (Low Purple - Black Belts) Beginner/Continuer (White - Red Belts) Novice/Intermediate (Orange - Green Belts)
22370-01 4:20-5:05 pm $143/$165 22370-02 5:10-5:55 pm $143/$165 22370-03 6:30-7:25 pm $143/$165 22370-04 7:30-8:25 pm $143/$165 22370-05 8:30-9:30 pm $143/$165 22370-06 6:30-7:25 pm $143/$165 22370-07 7:30-8:25 pm $143/$165 22370-08 8:30-9:30 pm $143/$165
7-14 Years Youth
15 Years & Older Adult
Advanced (Low Purple - Black Belts)
Spring • Thursdays - April 4-June 6
Program #
Fee (R)/(NR) Location
4-6 Years 7-14 Years Youth
Pre-Karate Beginner/Continuer
22372-01 5:00-5:45 pm $143/$165 MBCL 22372-03 7:00-7:55 pm $143/$165 MBCL 22372-04 6:00-6:55 pm $143/$165 MBCL 22372-05 8:00-9:15 pm $165/$190 MBCL 22372-06 7:00-7:55 pm $143/$165 MBCL 22372-07 6:00-6:55 pm $143/$165 MBCL 22372-08 8:00-9:15 pm $165/$190 MBCL
Beginner/Continuer (White - Red Belts) Intermediate (Orange - Blue Belts)
Advanced (Green Belts & Up)
15 Years & Older Adult
Beginner/Continuer (White - Red Belts) Intermediate (Orange - Blue Belts)
Advanced (Green Belts & Up)
Kodokan Judo 7 years & older Build your strength, agility, and self-confidence by enrolling in one of these Judo classes. Judo sharpens mental and physical discipline and can be a means of learning self-defense. Instructor Roxanne C. Miller has more than thirty years of experience teaching Judo classes. Classes will focus on the proper technique of falling, throwing and pinning.
Isshinryu Karate 4-8 years & 16 years & older The Issinryu classes are instructed by Rick Fryer (youth-Parent Child) and John Shaw (adult), both instructors hold black belts. Instruction will include a proper technique for punches and kicks while working on mental discipline, confidence, coordination and muscle tone. All participants are expected to follow class rules at all times while displaying the utmost respect toward the instructors. The first night will be an informational session in which parents are encouraged to attend. Expectations, rules, etc. will be covered at this time by the instructor. These classes may not be suited for all participants. A full refund will be issued to those who choose not to continue after the first or second class. Class equipment and uniforms may be ordered through the instructor if you choose to purchase them. Contractual Beginners Ages 4-8 22376-01 March 6-April 24 W/6:00-7:00 pm $50(R)/$70(NR) RA Beginner/Advanced Ages 16 years & older 22376-05 March 7-April 25 Th/6:00-8:00 pm $70(R)/$85(NR) RA
Beginner 22374-01 Advanced 22374-02 22374-04
April 13-May 25
Sa/10:00-11:00 am
April 11-May 23 April 13-May 25
Th/6:00-7:00 pm
Sa/11:15 am-12:15 pm $75(R)/$90(NR)
Follow all the fun at www.dtpd.org
www.dtpd.org • Spring 2024 • Dundee Township Park District | 35
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