Winter Program Guide 2022-2023

Health & Fitness Bollywood Dance

Self-Care Saturday 12 years & older Experience several self-care techniques in these mini-classes featuring Yoga for Achy Lower Backs, Necks and Shoulders, Rollerball Yoga and Meditation. Learn to de-stress and recharge your mind, release tension andmuscle pain usingYoga Massage Balls and stretch your body to become more flexible and prevent injuries. We will end our time with Shavasana to feel completely relaxed and renewed. (A set of Yoga Massage Balls is included in your registration!) Preregister by Feb 10 and pay only $30; the price increases to $35 the day of the event. 10135-00 Feb. 11 Sa/1:00-4:00 pm $30(preregister)/$35(day of) RORC

12 years & older Bring the glitzy Bollywood movies to life in this unique aerobic workout fusing traditional dance moves from India with modern Hip-Hop and Jazz! Pop Indian music will be used to enhance your BOLLYWOOD DANCE experience! All levels of fitness are welcome; no previous dance experience is necessary! Get your whole body fit while having fun!

10122-00 10122-01 10122-02

Jan. 6-27 Feb. 3-24

F/5:00-5:45 pm F/5:00-5:45 pm F/5:00-5:45 pm

$25(R)/$35(NR) $25(R)/$35(NR) $25(R)/$35(NR)


March 3-24

Rollerball Yoga 12 years & older Learn to use Yoga Massage Balls to release tension and pain caused by stressful “knots” in your muscles, leaving you feeling more relaxed. These techniques will also help relieve pain from sciatic issues, arthritis, stiff neck, carpal tunnel and TMJ. Other benefits include improving your posture, becoming more flexible and preventing injuries. We will end each class with Shavasana to feel completely relaxed and renewed. A set of Yoga Massage Balls is included in your registration! 10125-00 Jan. 5-19 Th/4:15-5:00 pm $19(R)/$29(NR) RORC 10125-01 Feb. 9-23 Th/4:15-5:00 pm $19(R)/$29(NR) RORC 10125-02 March 2-23 Th/4:15-5:00 pm $25(R)/$35(NR) RORC

MixxedFit® Madness 12 years & older This easy-to-follow workout is all about the hottest current dance moves choreographed to the hottest beats, with some explosive and body toning movements MIXXED in! Let go of all inhibitions and let the night-club-like sounds move you! Preregister by 3:59 pm on March 10 and pay only $20! Space is limited, so don’t wait! 10105-00 March 10 F/6:30-8:30 pm $20(Preregister)/$25(day of) RORC Police Physical Achievement Test (P-PAT) 18 years & older In recognizing the importance of physical fitness in the per formance of essential law enforcement duties, the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board has established the Peace Officer Wellness Evaluation Report (POWER) test to be provided to each candidate prior to entering the police academy. The Police Physical Achievement Test (P-PAT) is open to all police officer candidates looking to begin their career in law enforcement. The P-PAT consists of the following basic tests: Sit and Reach test, 1 Minute Sit-up test, 1 Repetition Maxi mum Bench Press and the 1.5 Mile run. Each candidate will be given a score sheet with the test results and whether the POWER test standards have been met. Please call (847) 428-7131 X2203 to schedule an appointment! 10114-00 Jan. 1-March 31 M-Su/7:00 am-4:00 pm $45 RORC

Specialty Yoga 12 years & older Most people are familiar with the general benefits of practicing Yoga: de-stressing and recharging your mind, strengthening and stretching your body and improving your balance. But did you know Yoga can be used to relieve the pain and discomfort of achy lower back, neck and shoulder issues? Each of these topics will be addressed in our Specialty Yoga Series . Please bring your own pillow, if needed. Yoga for Lower Back Pain 10132-00 March 4 Sa/10:00-11:00 am $15 RORC Yoga for Achy Neck & Shoulders 10132-01 March 11 Sa/10:00-11:00 am $15 RORC

Register for 3fitness classes, get the 4th class 25 % OFF

10 | Dundee Township Park District • Winter 2022-2023 •

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