Adult 50+ Six County Senior Games
CLASSES & ACTIVITIES Billiards Tournament
The Six County Senior Games is coming up in July 2022 and will be celebrating its 40th year with 25 different sporting events for adults 50 years and better!Events include individ ual sports such as track and field, pickleball, swimming,golf, bowling, tennis, table tennis, bocce, basketball free throw, archery, and more. Team sports include volleyball and softball. These events are held throughout the Chicago area. If you are interested in signing up, entry forms will be available after May 1. Call the AAC front desk for further details or visit the Senior Games Facebook page at IPRA Six County Senior Games.
This billiards tournament is a bracketed, best 2 out of 3 games to win and to advance in the tournament. You will receive a light breakfast, and lunch will be included in the cost of the tournament. 39503-00 June 10 F/9:00-11:30 am $8(M)/$13(NM) RAAC 39503-01 July 8 F/9:00-11:30 am $8(M)/$13(NM) RAAC 39503-02 Aug. 12 F/9:00-11:30 am $8(M)/$13(NM) RAAC Pancake Breakfast Pancake breakfast will consist of 2 pancakes, 2 sausages, a cup of fruit and a cup of juice. Breakfast is served at 9:00 am with penny bingo to follow at 9:30 am. 39510-00 July 27 W/9:00-11:00 am $3(M)/$8(NM) RAAC Local Artists Workshop Join us for art workshops with Nancy Reeves. A variety of medi ums are available and aspiring artists are always welcome. Paint ings by our artists are displayed at independent facilities and in our Adult Activities Center and are available for purchase. Tuesdays 9:00 am - 12:00 pm $20 for a 10 class punch pass card RAAC Divine Beekeepers This program is a social gathering for quilters, sewers and other crafty project people. We will have on hand cutting boards, rulers, ironing boards and sewing machines for your use while you are here participating in this program. It is a self-directed program, there will not be an instructor. Th/12:00 -3:00 pm F/9:00 am-12:00 pm $30 punch card/10 punches RAAC Book Club Calling all readers! Meet kindred book lovers. We will read one book every month and get together to discuss our thoughts about it. This is a fun way tomeet new friends and have a great time. The Fox Valley River Library will select the book and lead the discussion. One month prior to the session, the book selected will be available for you to pick up at the library. If this sounds interesting to you, please sign-up by calling us at (847) 551-4307 to join the group. June 1, July 6 and August 3 W/10:00 am RAAC Gardening Group We have a new addition to the Adult Activities Center. A vegetable raised garden sponsored through a donation from the Carpentersville Rotary morning members who built and installed the gardens. We are looking forward to offering our Adult Activities Center participants a chance to garden and reap what they sow. If you are interested in becoming a member and helping with the garden, please call our front desk at (847) 551-4307 to join the group. FREE
Attorney David Schlueter volunteers his services the third Tuesday of each month from 9:00-11:30 am. Appointments, in 30-minute increments, are necessary and must be scheduled by calling in advance, (847) 551-4307. Future dates are: June 21, July 19 and August 16. Podiatrist by Appointment Appointments are required and paperwork needs to be completed in order to see the doctor. Please call the Adult Activities Center front desk at (847) 551-4307 for dates. Information and Referral Take advantage of services provided by various social services organizations in our local and/or surrounding area. A member from Senior Services Associates visits our center on the second Monday of each month. Please call (847) 551-4307 to schedule an appointment. AARP Smart Driver Course A volunteer instructor conducts this one day course. Upon successful completion, students will receive a certificate and may be eligible for a discount on their auto insurance. Please bring a sack lunch. July 8 F/8:00 am-4:00 pm RAAC Fee: $20 for AARP for members $25 for non-members Bring your check to class with you. Rules of The Road Review Secretary of State representatives conduct this class which will prepare you for the Illinois driver’s license exam. Please call (847) 551-4307 to register. Nov. 2 W/1:30-3:30 pm Free RAAC FREE
40 | Dundee Township Park District • Summer 2022 •
Due to COVID-19, programs and offerings may change at any time.
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