Summer Guide 2023
Baton/Flag Spinning
Baton Batons will be available to purchase from the instructor. Please wear athletic clothing that is easy to move in, tennis shoes, and have hair pulled back off of the face. Perfor mance opportunities may be available. Pre-Baton Twirling 4-5 years “Ready, set, twirl!” Learn the basics of baton twirling and dance in this special class, just for younger students. Dance, march ing, musicality, and rhythm will be incorporated into combina tions and routines. Contractual 34259-00 June 8-July 13 Th/4:30-5:00 pm $25(R)/$45(NR) RORC Baton Level 1 5-12 years Learn the fundamentals of baton twirling and dance skills in this fun and creative class. Basic full hand twirls, simple tosses, and dance steps will be combined into fun combinations. Students will improve hand-eye coordination, musicality, and rhythm learning both individual skills and short routines. 34260-00 June 8-July 13 Th/5:00-6:00 pm $50(R)/$70(NR) RORC Baton - Level 2 6-14 years Building on the skills from Level 1, more complex twirling and dance skills will be introduced. Get ready for a variety of releases and catches in both hands, high aerials, and more difficult rolls. Contractual 34261-00 June 8-July 13 Th/6:00-7:00 pm $50(R)/$70(NR) RORC Basic Baton Skills for Competition 6-14 years This class is for twirlers who want to start competing in individual events and are enrolled in Level 2 or higher. Stu dents will learn a solo twirling routine and be introduced to the fundamentals of competitive baton twirling. Contractual 34262-00 June 8-July 13 Th/7:00-7:30 pm $25(R)/$45(NR) RORC Baton Twirling- Level 3 7-14 years In this class, we will be integrating baton work with more intricate body movements, connecting individual skills into combinations, learning a variety of receptions, and practicing taking our eyes off of a baton in the air (and still catching it!). Jazz shoes are required for this class. Contractual 34263-00 June 9-July 14 F/5:00-6:00 pm $50(R)/$70(NR) RA 16 years & older All experience levels welcome! Whether you have never twirled before or are ready to strut your stuff again, join us for fun and exercise. All participants will work at their own pace. Baton will be available to purchase from the instructor. Contractual Baton Twirling For Adults
Flag Spinning
Please wear comfortable athletic clothing (no jeans or skirts), tennis shoes, and have hair pulled back and secured away from the face and shoulders. Bring a water bottle. Flags are provided or you can purchase your own from the instructor. Family and friends are invited to a special showcase performance at the last class. Pre- Flag Spinning Class
5-7 years This class for younger children teaches basic flag positions and beginner flag spinning fundamentals while moving, marching and dancing to a variety of music. Contractual 34235-00 June 6-27 Tu/4:30-5:00 pm $25(R)/$45(NR) RA 34235-01 Aug. 1-22 Tu/4:30-5:00 pm $25(R)/$45(NR) RA Flag Spinning - Level 1 8-14 years Toss a flag; catch the fun! Level 1 is open to beginners - no experience necessary! In this class, students will learn to spin and toss a flag while moving to music - just like they do at football games and parades. Students will learn basic col or guard skills, and learn group choreography through the art of spinning flags and dance technique. www.allegiance Contractual 34236-00 June 6-27 Tu/5:00-6:00 pm $40(R)/$60(NR) RA 34236-01 Aug. 1-22 Tu/5:00-6:00 pm $40(R)/$60(NR) RA Flag Spinning - Level 2 10-16 years Level 2 classes are open to all students who have previous color guard experience. Flag spinning, tossing, dancing, technique and intermediate level choreography will be taught by Allegiance Color Guard coaches. This class can also be a great opportunity to supplement and enrich your marching band guard experience! Content will be differen tiated according to students’ abilities. www.allegiancecg. org Contractual 34237-00 June 6-27 Tu/6:00-7:00 pm $40(R)/$60(NR) RA 34237-01 Aug.1-22 Tu/6:00-7:00 pm $40(R)/$60(NR) RA
Follow all the fun!
June 8-July 13
Th/7:45-8:45 pm
ROSO • Summer 2023 • Dundee Township Park District | 37
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