Spring Guide 2024
Child & Babysitting Safety Class 12-16 years The child and babysitting safety class will give teenagers and young adults everything they need to know for safe and suc cessful babysitting. From getting started with their business, to relating with parents and children, to key safety, caregiving and first aid tips. Upon completion, the participant will be certified for two years. The program is from The American Safety & Health Institute. 24255-00 April 6 Sa/10:00 am-12:00 pm $60(R)/$80(NR) RA
Swim Instructor Training 15-55 years Love the water and working with kids? Need a job this summer? You can become a certified swim instructor. No prior experience required. You will learn the necessary skills that allow you to become a licensed swim instructor. Training and certification are through SGE. The Dundee Township Park District will recruit swim instructors for employment from these classes. We are always looking for enthusiastic professional employees. Note: Taking this class does not guarantee employment. 26798-01 May 5 Su/9:00 am-12:00 pm $40 RAI 26798-02 May 19 Su/9:00 am-12:00 pm $40 RAI 26798-03 May 26 Su/9:00 am-12:00 pm $40 RAI 26798-04 June 2 Su/9:00 am-12:00 pm $40 RAI Lifeguard Training 15 years & older Love the water and the outdoors? Need a job this summer? You can learn the necessary skills that allow you to become a certified lifeguard. Training and certification are through SGE. Requirements: Swim continuously 200 meters, retrieve a 10 lb. diving brick from 10 ft. of water, tread water for 1 minute with no hands. Participants must attend ALL scheduled classes per session. The Dundee Township Park District will recruit lifeguards for employment from these classes. We are always looking for professional employees. Experience is not required. Note: Taking this class does not guarantee employment.
High School Spanish 14-18 years This class is a great supplement to high school Spanish class or may also be taken by students not enrolled in a high school Spanish class. High school students will cover basic grammar points, vocabulary, and practice conversational skills. Taught live by a Language in Action, Inc. instructor. Zoom login information will be emailed to participants the day before the first class. Contractual 24273-00 April 9-May 14 Tu/6:30-7:15 pm $99(R)/$119(NR) Virtual
Program #
Fee Location
Tu,W/10:00 am-12:30 pm Th,F/10:00 am-5:00 pm
March 26-29
26799-02 26799-03 26799-04
April 11-14 April 18-21
$80 $80 $80
Th,F/5:00 -7:30 pm Sa,Su/10:00 am-5:00 pm
May 2-5
W/Th/5:00-7:30 pm F/5:00 am-8:00 pm Sa,Su/10:00 am-5:00 pm
May 28-31
12 | Dundee Township Park District • Spring 2024 • www.dtpd.org
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