Winter Program Guide 2022-2023

General Information

The Park Board of Commissioners and staff thank you for your support and usage of the parks, facilities, and programs offered to you. We take great pride in providing two recreation centers, three swimming pools, two golf courses, 40+ parks, a zoo, and hundreds of programs for all ages. I hope you take time to enjoy these recreation amenities and reap the benefits they provide for a healthy lifestyle! Project Updates The Hickory Hill Park OSLAD project is completed and open to the public. This $363,800 grant provides a park on the east side of our community with a walking path, disc golf, bike trail, basketball, soccer, playground, shelter, bags, and more. Fairhills Park will be developed on the southwest corner of Route 31 and Bon cosky Road in partnership with the Village of West Dundee. The Village successfully obtained a $400,000 OSLAD grant and ex pects to complete the project in 2024. The Park District will maintain this new park, owned by West Dundee, just as it maintains other Village owned parks: Grafelman, South End, Prairie Meadow, Huffman, and Grand Pointe. We are excited about the Small Animal Zoo Building addition that will be erected on the south end of the existing Randall Oaks Zoo. The successful application and award of a $750,000 grant begins with a bid process, and you may see construction start in 2023. This building will allow for a temperature-controlled climate for our animals and include exhibits for a better visitor experience. Our Executive Director A Message From

Another project we are working on is the renovation of the locker rooms at the Rakow Center. The Rakow Center opened in 1989 and was the first recreation center in the community. The locker room reno vation is expected to begin in 2023. The renovation will better serve our users and address the ongoing maintenance issues we’ve experienced. Golf Operations Update We have been pleased to see the golf industry perform favorably to COVID as it provides an outdoor activity for all ages. Our two golf facilities are no exception. Rounds of play at Randall Oaks Golf Course and Bonnie Dundee Golf Course expe rienced peak play in 2021, going back more than 20 years. Although this year has dropped off some due to weather, we are on pace to far exceed rounds of play from 2019 and earlier. I am optimistic that golf ’s resurgence will continue in the follow ing years. Helping supplement the recent successes are the winter operations of our three golf simulators in the clubhouse. This winter will be the third year providing simulators, and they will be available from mid-December through March. Come out and experience one! Enjoy the holidays and your winter, and take time to recreate with friends and family! We have plenty of opportunities to consider in our program guide.

(847) 428-7131 •

Mission Statement We are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life through exceptional parks, facilities, and community- driven programming. Vision We aspire to exceed the needs of our Community by pursuing excellence. Values Accountability | Communication Photo/Video Policy The District occasionally takes photographs or video of participants for promoting/advertising our programs, services, events, activities, and facilities in our brochures, website or agency social media, and other promotional avenues. By regis tering for, participating in or attending District programs, events, or other activities, the participant (or parent/guardian of a minor participant) irrevocably agrees to the use and distribution by the Park District of his or her image (or of his minor child/ward) in photographs, video recordings, and any other electronic repro ductions of such programs, events and activities for any purpose without inspection or approval and without compensation, rights to royalties or any other consideration now and in the future. Refund Policy If a program is canceled, a full refund will be given. Refunds will be considered for medical reasons if at least half of the program remains. Requests for refunds must be made prior to the program’s completion. If you are not satisfied with the quality of the instruction, a Refund/Transfer Request form must be filled out prior to the third class meeting. Your input on this form will help us focus on where improvement is needed. To receive a refund, please fill out a Refund/Transfer Request form available at the Rakow Center and the Randall Oaks Recreation Center front desks or on the website. Mail, fax, drop off or email this form to a Guest Services Manager at Upon receiving your completed form, we will process your class refund which will take approximately two weeks. Refunds are subject to a $5 service charge. Approved refunds will be prorated if the class has already started. No refunds for gift cards will be allowed. NSF checks – a $10 service charge will be addressed on all NSF checks. Gift cards may be used toward any Park District membership or programming. Due to a large amount of information provided in the Dundee Township Park District seasonal program guides a change may occur regarding days, times, fees, or other information after publication. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and will inform you of any changes as quickly as possible. For the most up to date information, please check our website RECREATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (RAP) RAP provides financial assistance for Dundee Township residents (or resident eligible) with children under the age of 16 who wish to participate in Dundee Township Park District programs. To become a RAP participant, please complete a confidential application (available in Spanish and English) that is available at the Rakow & Randall Oaks Recreation Centers, and can be downloaded at For more information, visit or contact Elsa Peralta at (847) 428-7131 x1200. Connected to Community Team Oriented | Integrity

Dave Peterson, CPRP Executive Director 847-428-7131 x4001

DundeeTownship Park District Board of Commissioners

Park District Board meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the first and thirdWednesdays of each month. Please visit for the meeting location.

Frank Scarpelli President

Erin O’Leary Vice President

John Meschewski Secretary

Craig Rakow Commissioner

JimBonkoski Treasurer

4 | Dundee Township Park District • Winter 2022-2023 •

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