Winter Program Guide 2022-2023
Athletic Leagues
Pre K - Kindergarten Soccer League 4-5 years This program will focus on the fundamentals of soccer. Each participant will be assigned to a team with a volunteer parent coach. Players will learn rules and focus on developing soccer skills. Instructional games will be held on Saturdays. Practices will be assigned for one day during the week beginning April 3 (weather permitting). Instructional games will be scheduled on Saturdays. Your child’s assigned coach will contact you regard ing practice times and game schedule. Uniforms: Shin guards are mandatory but not provided. Soccer cleats are optional but recommended. Jersey included in the fee. For those interested in seeing a jersey, RORC has sample sizes available. 27180-01 April 22-June 10 Sa/9:00-11:00 am $92(R)/$112(NR) ROSO
Prep High School Basketball League Grades 9-12 This League will be an eight-game season, which begins in January. No player who is on a high school basketball team will be eligible to play in the winter league. Individual Registration Only! For questions, please call the Athletic Supervisor at (847) 428-7131 x 2206. 17070-00 Jan. 15-March 5 Su/11:00 am-1:00 pm $70(R)/$85(NR) RORC Women’s Volleyball League 18 years & older The women’s league will be one division. Please check our web site for the league schedule. Contact the Athletic Supervisor at (847) 428-7131 x 2206 for more information. 17051-01 Jan. 9-March 6 M/6:30-10:00 pm $360(per team) RORC
Youth Soccer DTPD - Spring Program Outdoor Practices for this league are held on weeknights; game days are Saturdays with the possibility of a weeknight game. Team placements are solely at the discretion of the Dundee Township Park District. Coaches will contact players by the first week of April by email. There is NO guarantee that your friendship request will be fulfilled. The friend must also request you back. Shin guards are mandatory (not provided), soccer shoes are optional but recommended. Jersey and socks are included in the fee. REGISTRATION is on a first-come, first-served basis; divisions may fill up quickly so be sure to sign up early.
1st-2nd Grade Co-Ed
Fee: Onor before2/1/23
April 15-June 17
Sa/9:00 am-3:00 pm
CoachesNeeded forYouthSports
3rd-4th Grade Boys 27186-01 3rd-4th Grade Girls 27186-02 5th-6th Grade Boys 27186-03 5th-6th Grade Girls 27186-04 7th - 8th Grade Co-Ed 27186-05
April 15-June 17
Sa/9:00 am-3:00 pm
All volunteer Head Coaches will be given a reimbursement of their registration fee in the form of a Household Credit. To volunteer, please fill out the volunteer application form and return it to the Rakow Center or Randall Oaks Recreation Center front desk. Download theVolunteer Application Form @
April 15-June 17
Sa/9:00 am-3:00 pm
April 15-June 17
Sa/9:00 am-3:00 pm
April 15-June 17
Sa/9:00 am-3:00 pm
April 15-June 17
Sa/9:00 am-3:00 pm
$100(R)/$120(NR) HP Fee: On or after 2/2/23 - $117(R)/$137(NR) • Winter 2022-2023 • Dundee Township Park District | 25
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