Winter Program Guide 2022-2023
Dundee Township Park District
Winter 2022-2023 ProgramGuide
Registration Resident Nov. 28 | Nonresident Dec. 5
Where the fun doesn’t stop!
Cookies, cocoa and holiday cheer await as we bring in the Holiday season. This year we will be inside the Randall Oaks Golf Club to enjoy a visit with Santa! We will have a holiday craft, holiday carols and Santa’s mailbox. Preregistration is required and closes on December 8. Registration is for children between the ages of 2-12. Families are welcome to stay between 5:00-7:00 pm. Friday, December 9 • Randall Oaks Golf Club
Registration times are for Santa visits. Fee: $5 (R) /$7 (NR) Registration began 11/7/22.
Program: 45808-01 • 5:00-5:30 pm Program: 45808-02 • 5:30-6:00 pm Program: 45808-03 • 6:00-6:30 pm Program: 45808-04 • 6:30-7:00 pm
Weekends Only • 12:00-8:00 pm December 3-4, 10-11, 17-18 Holiday lights and magic for all! • Caroling to the Animals every Saturday at 6:00 pm • Bonfire • Santa visits from 1:00-4:00 pm
Randall Oaks Zoo 1180 N. Randall Rd, West Dundee
2 | Dundee Township Park District • Winter 2022-2023 •
Special Events
Saturday, February 4 Randall Oaks Golf Club • 4101 Binnie Rd., West Dundee Program: 10107-00 10:00-11:30 am Fee: $49 (Thru 12/31/22) • $55 (1/1/23-1/30/23) • $42 (Day of Frozen Oaks apparel item not included) Join us for our 4th annual Frozen Oaks 5K!
Registration closes Monday, Jan. 30 at 11:59 pm. Registration will not be accepted after this date until the morning of the event, Saturday,
Feb. 4, 2023. Race day registration will be available from 8:30 am until 9:45 am.
Preregistered Participants Receive Swag Bag Chili Bar Drink Ticket Awards Awards will be given to the overall men’s and women’s winners as well as the top three finishers for both men and women in each age division. Soda or Adult Beverage (Bloody Mary, Glass of Wine or Bottle/Draft beer)
Day of registration participants will receive a swag bag while supplies last.
We challenge you to design and build a human-powered cardboard boat capable of racing 50 yards. All boats must be designed and constructed before race day and may be powered by canoe/kayak paddles or muscle power! Once registration closes on Feb. 10, all registrants will receive a list of rules and accepted materials. Open swim to follow after the races.
Saturday, February 18 • 1:30-5:00 pm • Rakow Center Indoor Pool
Registration closes on Feb. 10
Program: 16590-01 • Fee per boat: $5(R)/$7(NR) • Winter 2022-2023 • Dundee Township Park District | 3
General Information
The Park Board of Commissioners and staff thank you for your support and usage of the parks, facilities, and programs offered to you. We take great pride in providing two recreation centers, three swimming pools, two golf courses, 40+ parks, a zoo, and hundreds of programs for all ages. I hope you take time to enjoy these recreation amenities and reap the benefits they provide for a healthy lifestyle! Project Updates The Hickory Hill Park OSLAD project is completed and open to the public. This $363,800 grant provides a park on the east side of our community with a walking path, disc golf, bike trail, basketball, soccer, playground, shelter, bags, and more. Fairhills Park will be developed on the southwest corner of Route 31 and Bon cosky Road in partnership with the Village of West Dundee. The Village successfully obtained a $400,000 OSLAD grant and ex pects to complete the project in 2024. The Park District will maintain this new park, owned by West Dundee, just as it maintains other Village owned parks: Grafelman, South End, Prairie Meadow, Huffman, and Grand Pointe. We are excited about the Small Animal Zoo Building addition that will be erected on the south end of the existing Randall Oaks Zoo. The successful application and award of a $750,000 grant begins with a bid process, and you may see construction start in 2023. This building will allow for a temperature-controlled climate for our animals and include exhibits for a better visitor experience. Our Executive Director A Message From
Another project we are working on is the renovation of the locker rooms at the Rakow Center. The Rakow Center opened in 1989 and was the first recreation center in the community. The locker room reno vation is expected to begin in 2023. The renovation will better serve our users and address the ongoing maintenance issues we’ve experienced. Golf Operations Update We have been pleased to see the golf industry perform favorably to COVID as it provides an outdoor activity for all ages. Our two golf facilities are no exception. Rounds of play at Randall Oaks Golf Course and Bonnie Dundee Golf Course expe rienced peak play in 2021, going back more than 20 years. Although this year has dropped off some due to weather, we are on pace to far exceed rounds of play from 2019 and earlier. I am optimistic that golf ’s resurgence will continue in the follow ing years. Helping supplement the recent successes are the winter operations of our three golf simulators in the clubhouse. This winter will be the third year providing simulators, and they will be available from mid-December through March. Come out and experience one! Enjoy the holidays and your winter, and take time to recreate with friends and family! We have plenty of opportunities to consider in our program guide.
(847) 428-7131 •
Mission Statement We are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life through exceptional parks, facilities, and community- driven programming. Vision We aspire to exceed the needs of our Community by pursuing excellence. Values Accountability | Communication Photo/Video Policy The District occasionally takes photographs or video of participants for promoting/advertising our programs, services, events, activities, and facilities in our brochures, website or agency social media, and other promotional avenues. By regis tering for, participating in or attending District programs, events, or other activities, the participant (or parent/guardian of a minor participant) irrevocably agrees to the use and distribution by the Park District of his or her image (or of his minor child/ward) in photographs, video recordings, and any other electronic repro ductions of such programs, events and activities for any purpose without inspection or approval and without compensation, rights to royalties or any other consideration now and in the future. Refund Policy If a program is canceled, a full refund will be given. Refunds will be considered for medical reasons if at least half of the program remains. Requests for refunds must be made prior to the program’s completion. If you are not satisfied with the quality of the instruction, a Refund/Transfer Request form must be filled out prior to the third class meeting. Your input on this form will help us focus on where improvement is needed. To receive a refund, please fill out a Refund/Transfer Request form available at the Rakow Center and the Randall Oaks Recreation Center front desks or on the website. Mail, fax, drop off or email this form to a Guest Services Manager at Upon receiving your completed form, we will process your class refund which will take approximately two weeks. Refunds are subject to a $5 service charge. Approved refunds will be prorated if the class has already started. No refunds for gift cards will be allowed. NSF checks – a $10 service charge will be addressed on all NSF checks. Gift cards may be used toward any Park District membership or programming. Due to a large amount of information provided in the Dundee Township Park District seasonal program guides a change may occur regarding days, times, fees, or other information after publication. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and will inform you of any changes as quickly as possible. For the most up to date information, please check our website RECREATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (RAP) RAP provides financial assistance for Dundee Township residents (or resident eligible) with children under the age of 16 who wish to participate in Dundee Township Park District programs. To become a RAP participant, please complete a confidential application (available in Spanish and English) that is available at the Rakow & Randall Oaks Recreation Centers, and can be downloaded at For more information, visit or contact Elsa Peralta at (847) 428-7131 x1200. Connected to Community Team Oriented | Integrity
Dave Peterson, CPRP Executive Director 847-428-7131 x4001
DundeeTownship Park District Board of Commissioners
Park District Board meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the first and thirdWednesdays of each month. Please visit for the meeting location.
Frank Scarpelli President
Erin O’Leary Vice President
John Meschewski Secretary
Craig Rakow Commissioner
JimBonkoski Treasurer
4 | Dundee Township Park District • Winter 2022-2023 •
General Information
Holiday Hours
November 24 - Thanksgiving Day December 24 - Christmas Eve December 25 - Christmas Day December 31 - New Year’s Eve
7:00 am-2:00 pm
7:00 am-2:00 pm 7:00 am-2:00 pm
January 1 - New Year’s Day
April 9 - Easter
Registration Desks are closed for all of the above holidays.
Registration Desks Hours Monday-Thursday
Walking/Running Indoor Track
9:00 am-8:00 pm 9:00 am-5:00 pm 9:00 am-Noon
Rakow Center
14 laps = 1 mile 5:30 am-10:00 pm 7:00 am-5:00 pm 12 laps = 1 mile 5:00 am-10:00 pm
Saturday Sunday
Download the Registration Forms @ Registration continues until classes are filled or closed.
Saturday & Sunday
Randall OaksRecreationCenter
Saturday & Sunday 7:00 am-5:00 pm 12 years and older may use the track. 6-11 years must be accompanied by an adult. 5 years and younger may not be on track. Strollers and street shoes are not permitted.
If you are new to Dundee Township Park District programming and want to register online for a program, you’ll need to make a household account with us online through our registration portal. Visit for directions on how to create an online account. Call (847) 428-7131 x4260 or x1101 for assistance.
Abbreviation Guide
Algonquin Lakes School 1401 Compton Dr, Algonquin 60102 Bonnie Dundee Golf Club 270 N. Kennedy Dr, Carpentersville 60110 Centerville Schoolhouse 1180 N. Randall Rd, West Dundee 60118 Dolphin Cove Family Aquatic Center Intersection of Rt 25 & Rt 68 Carpentersville 60110 DunhamWoods Farms, Inc. 9N755 Nesler Rd, Elgin 60124 Huffman Park 811 Tartans Dr, West Dundee 60118 Lennard Music Hall 751 S 8th Street, West Dundee 60118 Liberty Elementary School 6500 Miller Rd, Carpentersville 60110 Lions Park 570 Penny Rd, East Dundee 60118 Friday Fitness Member
Rakow Center Indoor Pool 665 Barrington Ave, Carpentersville 60110 Rakow Center Preschool 665 Barrington Ave, Carpentersville 60110 4101 Binnie Rd, West Dundee 60118 Randall Oaks Park 1180 N. Randall Rd., West Dundee 60118
ROGC Randall Oaks Golf Club
RORC Randall Oaks Recreation Center 500 N. Randall Rd, West Dundee 60118 RORCP Randall Oaks Preschool 500 N. Randall Rd, West Dundee 60118 ROSO Randall Oaks Soccer Field 500 N. Randall Rd, West Dundee 60118 ROZ Randall Oaks Zoo 1180 N. Randall Rd, West Dundee 60118 Tu Tuesday Th Thursday Sa Saturday SHC Sleepy Hollow Center 875Winmoor Dr, Sleepy Hollow 60118 SHP Sleepy Hollow Preschool 875 Winmoor Dr, Sleepy Hollow 60118 SR Senior Su Sunday TCAP Treehouse Center at Al Price Building 1180 N. Randall Rd, West Dundee 60118
Rakow Center
(847) 428-7131 x1101 Fax (847) 262-3609 5:30 am-10:00 pm 7:00 am-5:00 pm
665 Barrington Ave., Carpentersville
Monday-Friday Saturday & Sunday Adult Activities Center Rakow Indoor Pool Hours
See Page 38 See Page 32
M Monday MBCL Main Beach Crystal Lake
300 Lakeshore Dr, Crystal Lake 60014
Non Fitness Member
Prairie Meadow Park 89 Village Quarter Rd., West Dundee, 60118
Washington Street Preschool 21 N. Washington St, Carpentersville 60110 No Online Registration Virtual Program
RandallOaksRecreationCenter (847) 428-7131 x4260 500 N. Randall Rd., West Dundee Fax (847) 428-4880 Monday-Friday 5:00 am-10:00 pm Saturday & Sunday 7:00 am-5:00 pm
Rakow Center 665 Barrington Ave, Carpentersville 60110 Rakow Adult Activities Center 665 Barrington Ave, Carpentersville 60110
RAAC • Winter 2022-2023 • Dundee Township Park District | 5
General Information
Work Here Play Here •Flexible Hours •Park District Benefits •Fun Work Environment
Plant a Tree in Memory at one of our parks or golf courses.
Rainout Line
Be alerted toweather closures, delays, or changes in hours.
Memorial Trees
• Trees generally are in the 2” to 3” caliper range, typically native or cultivars of species native to northern Illinois. • Planting occurs in spring or fall. • District staff will establish and maintain the tree for its life. • Dedication Plaque Included • Fee: $800 For more information, call Park Services at (847) 551-4310 Monday-Friday 7:00 am-3:00 pm
Call (224) 204-0026 or visit
Sign up for Email Alerts
Sign up for Text Alerts
Download the Free Rainout Line App
6 | Dundee Township Park District • Winter 2022-2023 •
Table of Contents/Age Guide
Table of Contents
Adult . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Adult 50+ . . . . . . . . . . 38-39 Athletic Leagues 25 Aquatics . . . . . . . . . . . 32-35 Baton 29 Birthday Parties . . . . . . . . . 44 Child Care Before & After School Care 21 School’s Out Club . . . . . . . . 20
Dance 30-31 Early Childhood . . . . . . . . 18-19 Facilities & Parks Map . . . . . . . 47 Facility Rentals . . . . . . . . . . 45 General Information 4-6 Golf &Weddings . . . . . . . . . 46 Health & Fitness . . . . . . . . 8-14 Martial Arts . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Open Gym 15 Preschool . . . . . . . . . . 16-17 Racquetball . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Special Events . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Sports 26-27 Youth . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-24 Winter Ice Rink . . . . . . . . . . 36 Zoo & Nature . . . . . . . . . 40-43
Ballet Soccer
30, 31 26, 27
4+ 4+
29, 37
3-11 3-10 4-12 4-12
Martial Arts
28 10 10 10 10 10 33
Swim Lessons
35 22 27 29 28 31 26 21 20 22 22 34 25 31 23 27 23 43 23 24 31 23 25 37
Bollywood Dance Group Exercise Classes MixxedFit® Madness Rollerball Yoga Self-Care Saturday
12+ 12+ 12+ 12+ 12+ 12+ 12+ 16+ 16+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+
Aqua Babes
Kids Cooking Camp
Preschool Open Gym
9 months-6 years 19
Nerf® Baton
Tot & Kid Rock I Color Me Crazy
18 18 18 18 18 26
4+ 4+ 4+ 5-9 5-9
1 ½-3 1 ½-3 1 ½-3
Martial Arts Tap & Jazz Basketball Floor Hockey
Getting to Know Me
Specialty Yoga
26, 27
Water Fitness Classes
Tunes for Tots PeeWee Sports
1-5 3-4
30, 37
Before/After School Care
5-11 5-11 5-11 5-12 6-14 6-14 6-14 6-18 7-18 7-12 8-12 9-18 7+ 6+ 7-9
Photo Editing
Lego® Classes School’s Out Club Magic Classes Children’s Theater Jr. Swim Team
22, 23
Adult Tap
31, 37
Horsemanship Photography
37 37 10 37
On My Own
18 18
Little Explorers
Police Physical Achievement Test 18+
Spanish for Adults
Youth Soccer (DTPD) Spring Program-Outdoor
Women’s Volleyball League
25, 37
Hip Hop
Piano Lessons
Spanish Classes
Almost 3-5
Spring Break Zoo Camp
Fun To Be Me Soccer & T-Ball
3-4 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7
Balloon Classes
Billiards Book Club Day Trip
50+ 50+ 50+ 50+ 50+ 50+
39 39 38 39 39 11
26, 27
Sat Live!
Kid Rock II
18 30 35 27 25 22 29 28 31 26 43 21 20
Contemporary II & III
Ballet Soccer
Divine Beekeepers Local Artist Workshop 50+ Fitness Classes
Prep High School Basketball League
26, 27
Swim Lessons
Photo Editing
Pre K-Kindergarten Soccer League Kids Cooking Camp
4+ 4+ 4+ 5-9 5-6 5-8
Martial Arts Tap & Jazz Basketball
26, 27
Frozen Oaks 5K
Valentines for the Animals Before/After School Care
All All All All All All All All All All
46 43 32 15 32 34 36 2
5-11 5-11
Groundhog Day
School’s Out Club
Jolly Stop Lap Swim Open Gym Open Swim
Private Swim Lessons
Racquetball Rakow Regatta
2, 41 • Winter 2022-2023 • Dundee Township Park District | 7
Health & Fitness
Monday-Friday • 5:00 am-10:00pm Saturday & Sunday • 7:00 am-5:00 pm Randall Oaks Fitness Center
An All-Inclusive Fitness Membership includes use of both Fitness Centers, Group Exercise Classes (excluding water fitness) , open gym, lap swim, sauna, whirlpool and two guest passes.
• State-of-the-Art Equipment
• Bikes • Expresso Bikes • Cycle Ergometer • FreeWeights • Full Resistance Line • Plate Loaded Equipment • Olympic Benches
• Lateral Trainer • Rower • Personal Training • Group Exercise Classes • ElevatedWalking/ Running Track • Open Gym*
• Ellipticals • Treadmills • AMTs • Arc Trainers • Step Mills • Steppers • Recumbent Stepper
Annual Resident
Estimated Monthly
Annual Nonresident
Estimated Monthly
$35 $30 $27
$503 $425 $392
$42 $36 $32
Additional FamilyMember $359
Ages 12-24 and 62+ Individual One Month Membership
$10 per visit
Daily Fitness Pass 10 Visit Punch Pass
$90 Guest Pass (member must accompany guest) $7 per guest per visit w/member $10 per guest per visit w/out member
Rakow Fitness Center Monday-Friday • 5:30 am-10:00 pm Saturday & Sunday • 7:00 am-5:00 pm
Group Exercise
Group Exercise Class Pass Free (FM) /$7 per guest per class (NFM) Group Exercise 3 Month Unlimited $125 (R) /$145 (NR) • Valid from date of purchase
• State-of-the-Art Equipment • Treadmills • Ellipticals • Upright Bikes • Recumbent Bikes • Steppers
• Rower • Cyber VR3 Equipment • FreeWeights • Personal Training • Group Exercise Classes
• Walking/Running Track • Sauna •Whirlpool
Let your employees know you care–promote health and fitness. Minimumof 5 employees required to begin andmaintain a corporate membership. Newmembers may be added at any time during the year. Annual Corporate Estimated Monthly 5 or More Members $359 per person $30 per person
• Indoor Pool* • Open Gym*
*Availability differs from Fitness Center hours. Closed Nov. 24 & Dec. 25 • Open 7:00 am-2:00 pm Dec. 24, Dec. 31 & Jan. 1
8 | Dundee Township Park District • Winter 2022-2023 •
Health & Fitness
Personal Training Accomplish your fitness goals, be healthier and have more energy with the aid of a Nationally Certified Personal Trainer, who will instruct and motivate you in the areas in which you would like to focus. Personal Training is offered at both the Randall Oaks Recreation Center and the Rakow Center.
Each session is an hour.
1 session 3 sessions 5 sessions 10 sessions 20 sessions
$141 $222 $421 $796
yourself a priority in ENJOYA WEEK free 2 months free 20% off INCLUDES FITNESS CENTER & GROUP EXERCISE CLASSES JANUARY1-7, 2023 • Pay in full for an annual fitness membership and receive two months free. • Pay for an annual fitness membership via *EFT make no payment until 2/20/2023. P *Pay by Electronic Funds Transfer. All EFT policy terms apply. 10 & 20 PERSONAL TRAINING PACKAGES Fitness S pecials AND A GIVEAWAY Join between Jan. 1-7, 2023 & get Offers valid from Jan. 1-7, 2023. Additional restrictions may apply, see fitness attendant for more details. • Winter 2022-2023 • Dundee Township Park District | 9
Health & Fitness Bollywood Dance
Self-Care Saturday 12 years & older Experience several self-care techniques in these mini-classes featuring Yoga for Achy Lower Backs, Necks and Shoulders, Rollerball Yoga and Meditation. Learn to de-stress and recharge your mind, release tension andmuscle pain usingYoga Massage Balls and stretch your body to become more flexible and prevent injuries. We will end our time with Shavasana to feel completely relaxed and renewed. (A set of Yoga Massage Balls is included in your registration!) Preregister by Feb 10 and pay only $30; the price increases to $35 the day of the event. 10135-00 Feb. 11 Sa/1:00-4:00 pm $30(preregister)/$35(day of) RORC
12 years & older Bring the glitzy Bollywood movies to life in this unique aerobic workout fusing traditional dance moves from India with modern Hip-Hop and Jazz! Pop Indian music will be used to enhance your BOLLYWOOD DANCE experience! All levels of fitness are welcome; no previous dance experience is necessary! Get your whole body fit while having fun!
10122-00 10122-01 10122-02
Jan. 6-27 Feb. 3-24
F/5:00-5:45 pm F/5:00-5:45 pm F/5:00-5:45 pm
$25(R)/$35(NR) $25(R)/$35(NR) $25(R)/$35(NR)
March 3-24
Rollerball Yoga 12 years & older Learn to use Yoga Massage Balls to release tension and pain caused by stressful “knots” in your muscles, leaving you feeling more relaxed. These techniques will also help relieve pain from sciatic issues, arthritis, stiff neck, carpal tunnel and TMJ. Other benefits include improving your posture, becoming more flexible and preventing injuries. We will end each class with Shavasana to feel completely relaxed and renewed. A set of Yoga Massage Balls is included in your registration! 10125-00 Jan. 5-19 Th/4:15-5:00 pm $19(R)/$29(NR) RORC 10125-01 Feb. 9-23 Th/4:15-5:00 pm $19(R)/$29(NR) RORC 10125-02 March 2-23 Th/4:15-5:00 pm $25(R)/$35(NR) RORC
MixxedFit® Madness 12 years & older This easy-to-follow workout is all about the hottest current dance moves choreographed to the hottest beats, with some explosive and body toning movements MIXXED in! Let go of all inhibitions and let the night-club-like sounds move you! Preregister by 3:59 pm on March 10 and pay only $20! Space is limited, so don’t wait! 10105-00 March 10 F/6:30-8:30 pm $20(Preregister)/$25(day of) RORC Police Physical Achievement Test (P-PAT) 18 years & older In recognizing the importance of physical fitness in the per formance of essential law enforcement duties, the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board has established the Peace Officer Wellness Evaluation Report (POWER) test to be provided to each candidate prior to entering the police academy. The Police Physical Achievement Test (P-PAT) is open to all police officer candidates looking to begin their career in law enforcement. The P-PAT consists of the following basic tests: Sit and Reach test, 1 Minute Sit-up test, 1 Repetition Maxi mum Bench Press and the 1.5 Mile run. Each candidate will be given a score sheet with the test results and whether the POWER test standards have been met. Please call (847) 428-7131 X2203 to schedule an appointment! 10114-00 Jan. 1-March 31 M-Su/7:00 am-4:00 pm $45 RORC
Specialty Yoga 12 years & older Most people are familiar with the general benefits of practicing Yoga: de-stressing and recharging your mind, strengthening and stretching your body and improving your balance. But did you know Yoga can be used to relieve the pain and discomfort of achy lower back, neck and shoulder issues? Each of these topics will be addressed in our Specialty Yoga Series . Please bring your own pillow, if needed. Yoga for Lower Back Pain 10132-00 March 4 Sa/10:00-11:00 am $15 RORC Yoga for Achy Neck & Shoulders 10132-01 March 11 Sa/10:00-11:00 am $15 RORC
Register for 3fitness classes, get the 4th class 25 % OFF
10 | Dundee Township Park District • Winter 2022-2023 •
Health & Fitness
the 4th class 25 % OFF
Register for 3fitness classes, get
Chair Yoga 50 years & older Practice Yoga adapted to the needs of those with mobility issues. Be led through seated Yoga poses designed to enhance your overall physical fitness and control pain. You’ll perform coordinated movements to improve your balance and reduce your chances of falling. All this leads to a greater sense of well-being during your normal daily activities! 10102-00 Jan. 9-Feb. 13 M/12:00-12:45 pm $36(R)/$46(NR) RORC 10102-01 Feb. 20-March 27 M/12:00-12:45 pm $36(R)/$46(NR) RORC Vertical Pilates 50 years & older Would you like to strengthen your core without lying on the floor? Here’s the class for you! Performing standing Pilates exercises will strengthen and tone your core muscles as well as improve your balance and stretch your body. 10104-00 Jan. 11-Feb. 15 W/12:00-12:45 pm $36(R)/$46(NR) RORC 10104-01 Feb. 22-March 29 W/12:00-12:45 pm $36(R)/$46(NR) RORC
AGES 65+
SilverSneakers® Our Fitness Centers are an approved Healthways SilverSneakers® Fitness program. This benefit is included in many Medicare health plans and provides complimentary Fitness Memberships to seniors! To confirmeligibility visit the SilverSneakers® website. Then bring the Silver Sneakers® card or 16-digit Healthways ID number to either Fitness Center to sign up for a complimentary fitness mem bership. Renew Active® Our Fitness Centers are an approved United Healthcare Renew Active® Fitness program. This benefit is included in many Medicare health plans and provides complimentary Fitness Memberships to seniors! To confirm eligibility visit the Renew Active® website. Then bring the Renew Active® card or 10-digit ID number to either Fitness Center to sign up for a complimentary Fitness Membership. For more information, contact Bill at (847) 428-7131 x2203.
Generously supported by:
To Qualify: Must have HONORABLE character of service, permanent/chronic injury/illness acquired after discharge or service connected rating 10%+
For more information please contact: Trisha Palmiera, CTRS 815-459-0737 or • Winter 2022-2023 • Dundee Township Park District | 11
Health & Fitness
Group Exercise Classes 12 years & older Classes are held in the East/West Dundee Room at the Rakow Center or the Group Exercise Studio at the Randall Oaks Recreation Center unless otherwise noted. See page 14 for theWinter schedule.
Please arrive at least 10 minutes before class for equipment set up. Resistance BODYPUMP™ ically designed to help you get lean, toned and fit. Combines motivating music and scientifically proven movements to help you achieve these targets quicker than working out on your own. Power Hour RA Strengthen and shape your body with this chal lenging workout that uses a variety of equipment and resistance movements. For all fitness levels! Pure Strength RORC Bring the weight room into the studio! Use heavier weights and fewer reps to increase mus cular strength rather than muscular endurance. Appropriate for all fitness levels! RIP RORC If you love BODYPUMP™, then you will love RIP. Incorporates exercises from both traditional and non-traditional strength training and matches movements to music to create a simple, fun and effective way to strength train. RORC BODYPUMP™ is the original barbell-based workout specif
FREE (Excluding Water Fitness)
Fitness Members NonFitnessMembers
Drop-in Fee = $7 3 Month unlimited pass = $125(R)/$145(NR) ( Valid from date of purchase)
Please bring your own towel.
Beginner Senior Aerobics/ Stretch & Strength
Classic Cardio RA/RORC Come join the fun in this high- energy, low-impact cardio class! Enjoy the music without the fancy footwork – there may be a few “retro” steps, too!! All fitness levels welcome – especially beginners!! Forever Strong RA Work your major and minor muscle groups withmovements addressing strength, muscle endurance, flex ibility, balance and coordination. Great for all levels of experience – especially beginners!
Join us for easy-to-follow, low-im pact aerobics in a casual and friendly atmosphere! Strength movements follow and the class ends with stretching for the entire body. You are encouraged to work at your own pace with modifications offered throughout the class. Come join the fun and be challenged at the same time! Non Fitness Member Senior Punch Pass $20(R)/$25(NR) for 10 classes (1/2 hr. each class)
Core Express RORC A beginner to intermediate level class starting with core-blasting moves designed to improve your everyday ac tivities by strengthening your abs, pelvis, glutes and lower back! Weights may be used for some movements. Cool down with an extended stretch and breathing exercises that will help release any ten sion and improve your mobility to jump start your day. Circuit Fit RORC Experience a variety of cardio sports-re lated drills to improve your overall fitness. Work at your own pace but be motivated to push your limits.
PILOXING® RORC Uniquely blends the power, speed and agility of boxing with the beautiful sculpting and flexibility of Pilates. It’s a fat-torching, muscle-sculpting, core-cen tered interval workout. TabataFit RORC Burn some serious calories by performing functional and body weight exercises in quick bursts that will get your heart rate up to increase your cardiovascular endur ance. Follow that with more traditional strength moves for a total body workout. Total Body Blast RORC Incorporates fat-burning cardio drills, muscular strength and endurance train ing using a variety of equipment or body weight, balance challenges and core work, and ends with a relaxing stretch. Multiple fitness level options are offered to create a challenging workout perfect for you!
Barre Sculpt RORC Get a great full body workout combining elements of Pilates, Yoga, strength and dance with varied levels of cardio inten sity. Lighter weights, more repetitions, larger ranges of motion are used to tone, sculpt, and stretch those muscles. Cardio Kickbox Power RORC Build your confidence and cardiovascular endurance with this high-energy class incorporating a variety of punching/kick ing combos, strength and balance work while increasing your coordination and stamina! High and low impact options make this a great experience for all fitness levels.
DTPD Fitness
Workout from home!
12 | Dundee Township Park District • Winter 2022-2023 •
Health & Fitness
Mind & Body
Please bring a yogamat.
Spin RA/RORC An indoor cycling program for all fitness and skill levels! Control your own intensity while be ing challenged with overall body conditioning. Total Body Spin RORC Experience an energizing ride followed by strength work for the upper body and core. Great for all fitness levels, you’ll leave feeling “totally” conditioned! Please arrive at least 10 minutes before class for equipment set up.
Fitness Pilates RORC A core-centered workout where the movements are challenged by changes in tempo, range of motion or by adding resistance thru the use of fitness equipment. Fusion Yoga RORC Experience a mix of different Yoga styles intended to challenge, relax and strengthen your body. Gentle Flow Yoga RA, RORC Learn a breathing technique that heats the body from within and improves your focus. Combining sun salutation- based, breath synchronized and mind ful movements, this challenging class will leave you feeling reinvigorated yet relaxed. Happy Hour Yoga RORC Take time between your work day and evening to clear your mind, de-stress, recharge your body and have some fun in our multi-level class of Yoga postures. Mindful Yoga RA, RORC In some translations, the word Yoga means to “unite” the body and the mind. The word Mindful can refer to the practice of “remembering” to be more present. This class may help you to practice taking care of your body Pilates RA Pilates is a mind/ body relationship which focuses on breathing and strengthening the power-house muscles (abdominals and lower back). Pilates rings will be used. Pilates Mix RORC Incorporates traditional Pilates move ments with barre combinations using equipment such as weights, balls and bands. and your mind both on and off the mat.
Slow Yoga RORC Encourages deep relaxation via the slow release of tension in the muscles and spine in order to sustain inner con tentment amidst the stressors of life. Tai-Chi QiGong RORC Tai-Chi QiGong involves slow, gentle movements synced with deep breathing and mental awareness to strengthen and stretch the body. Focus on how your body moves thru space to improve your balance and safely increase your body’s ranges of motion. Vinyasa Yoga RORC This dynamic and flowing style of Yoga will increase strength, flexibility and bring you to a place of total relaxation. Yoga Body & Mind RORC De-stress and recharge your body through Yoga postures combined with traditional strengthening and stretching exercises. Yoga Sculpt RA Sculpt/Flex/Flow! An all-around great workout with relaxation time at the end. Yoga Sculpt incorporates light weights to sculpt your body and tradi tional Vinyasa Yoga flows to improve your cardio and flexibility. RORC Work out to your favorite songs, spicing things up by adding explosive and body toning movements making your workout more effective and challenging. The cho reography is simple, repetitive and easy to follow, allowing you to create your own in tensity. Focus on getting lost in the music, not on complicated dance steps. Multi-Step RORC Dance MixxedFit®
REFIT® RA REFIT® is a “feel good” cardio-based fitness format tailored for every Body! Each class is an experience with uplifting music and fun, easy to follow choreogra phy. REFIT® nurtures a sense of communi ty and acceptance. Come join the REFIT® Revolution! Zumba® RA/RORC Take the “work” out of workout, by com bining low and high intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning Dance Fitness Party!! As you feel the Latin and World rhythms, you’ll see why Zumba® is often called “exercise in disguise!!”
High energy and exciting choreography will guarantee a fun workout! This unique format uses two to four steps to increase your cardio endurance! • Winter 2022-2023 • Dundee Township Park District | 13
Health & Fitness
Rakow Center in the East/West Dundee Room.
Zumba® 9:00-10:00 am
Power Hour* 9:30-10:30 am
Forever Strong 8:45-9:30 am
Power Hour* 9:30-10:30 am
Gentle FlowYoga 8:00-9:00 am
Zumba® 10:00-10:45 am
Zumba® 10:00-11:00 am
Pilates 11:30 am-12:30 pm
Senior Aerobics/ Stretch & Strength 10:45-11:45 am
Spin/Abs* 9:45-10:45 am
Senior Aerobics/ Stretch & Strength 10:45-11:45 am
Spin/Abs* 9:15-10:15 am
Mindful Yoga 5:00-6:00 pm
Yoga Sculpt 5:30-6:15 pm
Pilates 11:30 am-12:30 pm
Classic Cardio 5:30-6:15 pm
Group Exercise Schedule
REFIT® 6:30-7:15 pm
Yoga Sculpt 6:30-7:15 pm
EFFECTIVE DEC. 31 Classes subject to change. See Pages 12-13 for Class Descriptions
Download the Group Exercise Schedule @
Please bring your own towel.
Randall Oaks Recreation Center in the Group Exercise Studio at the Randall Oaks Recreation Center (unless otherwise noted).
Total Body Blast 8:00-9:00 am
FusionYoga 8:15-9:00 am
Mindful Yoga 5:05-5:50 am
Pilates Mix 8:15-9:00 am
Barre Sculpt 8:00-9:00 am
BODYPUMP* 8:00-9:00 am
Spin* 8:30-9:30 am
RIP* 9:15-10:15 am
Total Body Spin* 9:15-10:15 am
Circuit Fit 6:00-7:00 am
Total Body Spin* 9:15-10:15 am
Cardio Kickbox Power 9:15-10:15 am Zumba® 10:30-11:30 am
Spin* 9:15-10:15 am
Gentle FlowYoga 9:45-10:45 am
Fitness Pilates 10:45-11:45 am
TabataFit 10:30-11:30 am
Multi Step 8:00-9:00 am
Pure Strength 10:30-11:30 am
PILOXING® 10:30-11:30 am
Zumba ® 4:30-5:15 pm
Yoga Body &Mind 11:45 am-12:45 pm
BODYPUMP* 9:15-10:15 am
Yoga Body &Mind 11:45 am-12:45 pm
Spin* 5:30-6:15 pm
PILOXING® 4:15-5:10 pm
Tai-Chi QiGong 11:00 -11:45 am
Classic Cardio 1:00-1:45 pm
Gentle FlowYoga 6:00-7:00 pm Multi-Purpose Room
BODYPUMP* 5:30-6:30 pm
Happy Hour Yoga 4:15-5:10 pm
BODYPUMP* 5:30-6:30 pm
BODYPUMP* 6:30-7:30 pm
SlowYoga 6:45-7:45 pm
Spin* 5:25-6:15 pm
Vinyasa Yoga 6:00-7:00 pm Multi-Purpose Room MixxedFit® 6:45-7:45 pm
Mind & Body
Barre Sculpt 8:00-9:00 pm Beginning January 17
BODYPUMP* 6:30-7:30 pm
*Please arrive at least 10 minutes before class for equipment set up.
Zumba® 7:45-8:30 pm
BODYPUMP* 8:00-9:00 pm
14 | Dundee Township Park District • Winter 2022-2023 •
Open Gym
Open Gym Scheduled
• 1 8 years & older: $5 or 10 visit punch pass for $30 • 17 years & under: $3 or 10 visit punch pass for $20 • Fitness Center Members: Free
Rakow Center
M/8:00-10:00 pm Nov. 7-April 24 W/8:00-10:00 pm Nov. 9-April 26 Th/8:00-10:00 pm Nov. 10-April 27 F/7:00-9:00 pm Nov. 11-April 28
(18+) Basketball 18+ Indoor Soccer 40+ Basketball
18+ Pickleball
Randall Oaks Recreation Center
Th/8:00-10:00 pm Nov. 10-April 27 F/4:00-6:00 pm Nov. 11-April 28 F/8:00-10:00 pm Nov. 11-April 28 Su/3:00-5:00 pm Nov. 6-April 30
(18+) Basketball K-8 Basketball* 18+ Volleyball*** Family Basketball**
High School Basketball + Su/1:00-3:00 pm Nov. 6-Dec. 18 April 2-30 *No K-8 Open gym on the following dates due to holidays 11/25, 12/23, 12/30, 1/6, 3/3, 3/31, 4/7, **A parent must be present at all times,***No 18+ Open Gym Volleyball on 11/25 + No High School Basketball 12/25-3/26
No School Open Gym
Fall Break • Nov. 21, 22, 23 & 25 Winter Break • Dec. 23, 26-30 • Jan. 2-6 Rakow Center
Randall Oaks Recreation Center
11:00 am-3:00 pm
10:00 am-2:00 pm
Drop-In Basketball at Randall Oaks Recreation Center & Rakow Center Please note that drop-in basketball availability changes daily due to rentals and programming scheduled in the gym. For availability, please call 847-428-7131. • A ll fitness members and guests must check in at the Fitness Center and sign a waiver • Fitness members: Free • Fitness member guest: $7 • General drop-in: $10
• All fitness members must check in at the Fitness Center. • K-8 Parents must be present to sign in the child and sign the waiver. • Full-court games may be restricted, based on numbers. Guidelines
• The use of personal bluetooth or speakers are not allowed. • Basketball games played to 11 points – each basket 1 point. • After three wins, a team must sit out until the next available game.
• Players must control their language, or they may be asked to leave. • Basketballs are not supplied. Please bring your own. • No dunking. • Winter 2022-2023 • Dundee Township Park District | 15
Almost 3 to 5 years old
• Incorporates IL State Early Learning Standards • Play Based Curriculum/Child Interest Themes • Jolly Phonics Reading Program • Easy Transition to District 300 Kindergarten • Summer Preschool Available
Children in our preschool program are actively involved in a curriculum that stresses the social, emotional, physical, and academic aspects of their development. Younger children are taught skills for building strong self-reliance and positive social interaction. Children ages 4-5 prepare for kindergarten based on District 300 expectations through exposure to a variety of academic units and social/emotional learning. Our professional staff of teachers and aides have a common goal: to create a warm, accepting environment, which supports the development of the whole child. Once enrolled, look for additional information to be emailed to you in early August. The first day of school will be a meet and greet your teacher with preschoolers and their parents/guardians.
Preschool Open House Tuesday, January 10 • Washington Street Preschool • 6:00-7:30 pm Wednesday, January 11 • Rakow Center • 6:00-7:30 pm Thursday, January 12 • Sleepy Hollow Preschool • 6:00-7:30 pm 2023/2024 Preschool Registration Resident Registration begins on Saturday, February 4 at Randall Oaks Recreation Center • 9:00 am to noon Nonresident Registration begins on Saturday, February 18 starting at 9:00 am at either recreation center.
Download the Preschool Registration Form @
First day of the 2023/2024 school year is Monday, August 21, or Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Currently taking enrollment for the 2022/23 School Year For enrollment/payment procedures please visit
Save 5% when paying in full!
10% Sibling Discount
2023/2024 School Year
Monthly Fee R/NR^ $141/$171 $141/$171 $141/$171 $141/$171 $92/$122 $141/$171 $141/$171 $92/$122 $218/$248 $135/$165 $215/$248 $218/$248 $135/$165 $218/$248 $232/$262** $232/$262**
Program #
Days Tu/Th M/W Tu/Th Tu/Th Tu/Th Tu/Th Tu/Th Tu/Th M/W/F M/W/F M/W/F M/W/F M/W/F M/W/F
Almost 3 Years Old
2026 Kindergarten start
9:00-11:00 am
Preschool- 3 Years Preschool- 3 Years Preschool*- 3 Years
54299-15 54299-16 54299-17
2025 Kindergarten start 2025 Kindergarten start 2025 Kindergarten start
9:00-11:00 am 9:00-11:00 am 8:45-10:45 am
*with optional Extended Learning Time
10:45 am-12:15 pm
Mixed Preschool- 3-5 Years Mixed Preschool*- 3-5 Years
54299-18 54299-19
3-5 year olds 3-5 year olds
12:00-2:00 pm 8:45-10:45 am
*with optional Extended Learning Time
10:45 am-12:15 pm
Mixed Preschool*- 3-5 Years
3-5 year olds
8:15-10:45 am
*with optional Extended Learning Time
10:45 am-12:15 pm
Pre-Kindergarten- 4-5 Years
54299-23 54299-24
2024 Kindergarten start
8:45-11:15 am 8:45-11:15 am
Pre-Kindergarten*- 4-5 Years 2024 Kindergarten start
*with optional Extended Learning Time
11:15 am-12:45 pm 11:45 am-2:15 pm
Pre-Kindergarten- 4-5 Years
54299-25 54299-26
2024 Kindergarten start
Pre-Kindergarten*- 4-5 Years 2024 Kindergarten start
Tu/W/Th Tu/W/Th
8:45-11:15 am
*with optional Extended Learning Time
11:15 am-1:45 pm
*Extended LearningTime is socially structured learning time involving free-play, arts and crafts, story time, games, and lunch. Participantsmust bring their own lunch/beverage. For holidays and school days off, Dundee TownshipParkDistrict Preschool follows School District 300 calendar.
^ $50 supply fee and $40 nonrefundable registration fee is not included in this price.
** This 3 day class’s fees are higher due to more days of school per year with no Monday or Friday Holidays.
16 | Dundee Township Park District • Winter 2022-2023 •
2023/2024 FunshineTreehouse Zoo Preschool Registration Current and Alumni Families • Saturday, January 7 Resident • Saturday, January 14 Nonresident • Saturday, January 21 Take a tour of all our Preschool classrooms on our Channel!
3-5 years
The Funshine Treehouse Zoo Preschool at Randall Oaks provides a child-led environment where children are encouraged to discover at their own pace. We offer a warm and supportive environment that promotes each child’s social, emotional, and cognitive development. Through learning about animals and nature, every day is a discovery for our students. For enrollment/payment procedures please visit For a tour call Kath at (847) 551-4310 x5006 ZOO PRESCHOOL
2023-2024 School Year
Monthly Fee
58302-AM Aug. 22-May 16 58302-PM Aug. 22-May 16 58303-AM Aug. 21-May 17 58303-PM Aug. 21-May 17
Tu,Th/9:00-11:30 am $200(R)/240(NR)
Tu,Th/12:30-3:00 pm M,W,F/9:00-11:30 am M,W,F/12:30-3:00 pm
$200(R)/240(NR) $290(R)/$340(NR) $290(R)/$340(NR)
TCAP $40 non-refundable registration fee not included.
Save 5% when paying in full!
10% Sibling Discount
Download the Funshine Treehouse Registration Form @ • Winter 2022-2023 • Dundee Township Park District | 17
Early Childhood
Rock ‘n’ Kids 1-5 years This interactive class has everyone on their feet! We all learn together while engaging in active, creative, music-based activities, while using rhythm instruments and movement props. All class pro cedures are designed to keep staff and students safe. Activities are age appropriate by class and include songs and rhymes, rhythm and coordination, fine and gross motor, imagination and sensory, listening and following directions skills. Sing, dance, play, learn and imagine with us! Contractual Tot Rock - Age 1 year with parent 14170-00 Jan. 12-Feb. 9 Th/9:30-10:10 am $61(R)/$81(NR) RA 14170-01 Feb. 23-March 23 Th/9:30-10:10 am $61(R)/$81(NR) RA Kid Rock I - Age 2 years with parent 14171-00 Jan. 12-Feb. 9 Th/10:20-11:00 am $61(R)/$81(NR) RA 14171-01 Feb. 23-March 23 Th/10:20-11:00 am $61(R)/$81(NR) RA Kid Rock II - Ages 3-5 14172-00 Jan. 12-Feb. 9 Th/11:10-11:50 am $61(R)/$81(NR) RA 14172-01 Feb. 23-March 23 Th/11:10-11:50 am $61(R)/$81(NR) RA Tunes for Tots 1-5 years with parent Children will sing songs, listen to stories and use social, independent and self-care skills. All activities will help develop small muscle control, body awareness, body vocabulary, following directions, cause and effect, patience, and sharing at taking turns. Parents will gain an opportunity to interact with their children away from home and also learn different strategies to help their child learn. Contractual 14176-00 Feb. 22-March 15 W/12:00-12:45 pm $60(R)/$80(NR) RA On My Own 2 years with optional parent Children will learn to gain independence and positive social interaction through theme-based activities. Circle time with songs and a story combined with free-form art will provide the perfect first experience for your child to work toward being on their own. This class is to try to build separation. Parents are welcome to be a part of the classes working toward the goal of not being in the room by the end of the classes. You may leave your child when you feel it is time. 14110-00 Jan. 11-March 1 W/9:00-10:00 am $72(R)/$92(NR) RORC Little Explorers 2-4 years with optional parent We will use stories, crafts and activities to explore the world around us through themes such as dinosaurs, bugs, vehicles, and our earth. Bring your imagination and creativity! Parents are free to leave the program when their child is ready. 14121-00 Jan. 13-March 10* F/10:30-11:15 am $68(R)/$88(NR) RORC *No Class: 3/3 Fun To Be Me 3-4 years Two hours of fun and socialization through songs, show-and tell, crafts, games, story time and more! Activities will be based on weekly themes. Sign-up fast for this popular class that will help your child find their independence. Children must be toilet trained. 14102-00 Jan. 9-March 13* M/9:30-11:30 am $96(R)/$116(NR) RORC *No Class: 1/16, 2/20
Getting to Know Me 1 ½-3 years with parent Let’s discover and use our five senses. Weekly themed art projects and activities will surprise the children with taste, touch, smell, sight and sounds. Actively participate with your child as he or she discovers the world around him/her. 14101-00 Jan. 10-Feb. 28 Tu/9:15-10:00 am $68(R)/$88(NR) RA Color Me Crazy 1 ½-3 years with parent We will introduce a new color each week through crafts, songs, books and the color bag of surprises. This class will help your child transition from parent and child to child only classes. 14108-00 Jan. 12-March 2 Th/9:15-10:00 am $68(R)/$88(NR) RORC S.M.I.L.E. 1 ½-3 years with parent Children will engage with music: S-ing, M-ove, I-mmitate, L-isten, and E-ngage. This class will provide hands-on exploration! Blocks, bubbles, music makers and playdough will help improve fine motor skills. Moving to the beats of the music and singing classics such as “Wheels on the Bus” and “Head Shoulders Knees and Toes”will assist in building coordination. We’ll press play to the music and move to the groove. 14120-00 Jan. 13-March 10* F/9:00-10:00 am $72(R)/$92(NR) RORC *No Class: 3/3
Dundee Township Park District
Preschool See Page 16
18 | Dundee Township Park District • Winter 2022-2023 •
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