
Early Childhood

Getting to Know Me 1½-3 years with parent Let’s discover and use our five senses. Weekly themed art projects and activities will surprise the children with taste, touch, smell, sight and sounds. Actively participate with your child as they discover the world around them. 24101-00 April 5-May 10 Tu/9:15-10:00 am $50(R)/$70(NR) RA Color Me Crazy 1½-3 years with optional parent Each week will introduce a new color through crafts, songs, books and the color bag of surprises. This class will help your child transition from parent & child to child only classes. Parents are free to leave the program room when their child is ready. 24108-00 April 7-May 12 Th/9:15-10:00 am $50(R)/$70(NR) RORC S.M.I.L.E. 1½-3 years with parent Children will engage with music: S-ing, M-ove, I-mmitate, L-isten, and E-ngage. “We are the Dinosaurs,”“Rocketship Run,” “I’m a Little Teapot,” and “Open, Shut Them” are a few song examples. Play-dough and hands-on exploration will also be planned. Be prepared to SMILE! 24120-00 April 8-May 13* F/9:00-10:00 am $43(R)/$63(NR) RORC *No Class: 4/15 Rock ‘n’ Kids 1-5 years This interactive class has everyone on their feet! We all learn together while engaging in active, creative, music-based activities, using rhythm instruments and movement props. All class procedures are designed to keep staff and students safe. Activities are age appropriate by class and include songs and rhymes, rhythm and coordination, fine and gross motor, imagination and sensory, listening and following directions skills. Sing, dance, play, learn and imagine with us! www.rockitkids.com Contractual Tot Rock Age 12 months with parent 24170-00 April 14-May 26 Th/9:30-10:10 am $77(R)/$97(NR) RA Kid Rock I Age 2 with parent 24171-00 April 14-May 26 Th/10:20-11:00 am $77(R)/$97(NR) RA Kid Rock II Ages 3-5 without parent 24172-00 April 14-May 26 Th/11:10-11:50 am $77(R)/$97(NR) RA On My Own 2 years with optional parent Children will learn to gain independence and positive social interaction through theme-based activities. Circle time with songs and a story combined with free-form art will provide the perfect first experience for your child to work toward being on their own. This class is to try to build separation, parents are welcome to be a part of the classes working to the goal of not being in the room by the end of the classes. You may leave your child when you feel it is time. 24110-00 April 6-May 11 W/9:00-10:00 am $51(R)/$71(NR) RORC

Teammate Time 2-4 years with parent TEAM-Together Everyone Achieves More! Actively participate in this class with your child as the coach introduces the basics of soccer, basketball, and hockey. Fun surprises will also be included. 24116-00 April 4-May 9* M/5:00-5:45 pm $41(R)/$61(NR) RORC *No Class: 4/25 Soccer 3-6 years Kick, pass, shoot and score! While focusing on teamwork, the basics of soccer will be introduced in this playful environment. Games will be included. We’ll be sure to trap the fun! This is an indoor class. 3-5 years 24117-01 April 4-May 9* M/6:00-6:45 pm $41(R)/$61(NR) RORC 4-6 years 24117-00 April 8-May 13* F/11:00-11:45 am $41(R)/$61(NR) RA *No Class: 4/15, 4/25 Having A Ball 4-6 years Come one, come all and have a ball! This fun-filled class will focus on the basics of three favorite sports: T-ball, Soccer, and Basketball. Each participant is sure to “have a ball,” as we focus on fun, socialization and the basics of each sport. 24122-00 April 9-May 14* Sa/10:00-10:45 am $48(R)/$68(NR) RORC *No Class: 4/16 Early Childhood Sports U-6 Developmental Kindergarten Soccer League 5-6 years

See Page 19

www.dtpd.org • Spring 2022 • Dundee Township Park District | 11

Due to COVID-19, programs and offerings may change at any time due to guidelines.

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