Spring Guide 2024
General Information
at one of our parks or golf courses. Plant a Tree
Let our reach be an extension of your reach. Advertise in our seasonal program guide and be delivered to over 25,000 homes in the Dundee Township area four times per year. Be seen in our digital version with an average of 150,000 pageviews. ADVERTISE WITH US AND INCREASE BUSINESS VISIBILITY Your Ad Here
Memorial Trees
• Trees generally are in the 2” to 3” caliper range, typically native or cultivars of species native to northern Illinois. • Planting occurs in spring or fall. • District staff will establish and maintain the tree for its life. • Dedication Plaque Included • Fee: $800 For more information, call Park Services at (847) 551-4310 Monday-Friday 7:00 am-3:00 pm
Email the marketing team for ad availability at marketing@dtpd.org
Photo/Video Policy The District occasionally takes photographs or video of participants for promoting/ advertising our programs, services, events, activities, and facilities in our brochures, website or agency social media, and other promotional avenues. By registering for, participating in or attending District programs, events, or other activities, the participant (or parent/guardian of a minor participant) irrevocably agrees to the use and distribution by the Park District of his or her image (or of his minor child/ward) in photographs, video recordings, and any other electronic reproductions of such programs, events and activities for any purpose without inspec tion or approval and without compensation, rights to royalties or any other consideration now and in the future. Refund Policy If a program is canceled for any reason, a full refund will be issued to each participant. All other refunds are subject to a $5 service charge. To request a refund for any other reason, please complete the Refund/ Transfer Request Form available at the Rakow Center and Randall Oaks Recreation Center Guest Services or download at https://www.dtpd.org registration-information/ . You may mail, drop off or email this form to a Guest Services Manager at guestservices@dtpd.org. • If you are not satisfied with the quality of a program, you must attend two class sessions and fill out the Refund/Transfer Request Form prior to the third class meeting. A full refund will then be given. Your input on this form will help us identify where improvement is needed. • If you are not able to participate in a program due to medical reasons, please submit a doctor’s note along with the Refund/Transfer Request Form. If class has already started, a refund may be prorated. At least half of the program/activity must remain to be eligible to receive a refund. • All other refunds must be submitted one week prior to the start of the program. • Direct individual expenses incurred such as T-shirts, uniforms, costumes, etc. will be deducted from refunds. If a refund is approved, a receipt will be emailed to the household after processing. We reserve the right to issue a refund in the form of household credit. If a refund is approved for returned payment: • Original payment by cash or check will receive a refund in the form of a check. • Original payment paid by credit/debit card will receive credit on the card with which payment was made, when possible. Submission of a Refund Request Form does not guarantee a refund. All refund requests are subject to review and approval by the program supervisor. If a refund is denied, the program supervisor will be in contact to inform you. Due to a large amount of information provided in the Dundee Township Park District seasonal program guide a change may occur regarding days, times, fees, or other information after publication. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and will inform you of any changes as quickly as possible. For the most up to date information, please check our website www.dtpd.org RECREATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (RAP) RAP provides financial assistance for Dundee Township residents (or resident eligible) with children under the age of 18 who wish to participate in Dundee Township Park District programs. To become a RAP participant, please complete a confidential application (available in Spanish and English) that is available at the Rakow & Randall Oaks Recreation Centers, and can be downloaded at www.dtpd.org/registration-information. For more information, visit www.dtpd.org or contact Elsa Peralta at (847) 428-7131 x1200.
Thank You to Our
4 | Dundee Township Park District • Spring 2024 • www.dtpd.org
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