Spring Guide 2024

Zoo & Nature

at the ZOO Special Events

MAY Sunday, May 12 Mother’s Day

APRIL Sunday, April 21 Party for the Planet!

Saturday, March 23 Opening Day The animals have missed you! Sunday, March 24 Bunny Day Come and take a picture with the Bunny. MARCH

Mothers get in free with the purchase of a child’s ticket.

Toss the GIANT earth ball, play the Garbage Game, bring home native wildflower seeds for pollinators, taste cookies made from sustainable cricket protein and enjoy the animals. All activities are free with zoo admission.

JUNE Saturday, June 1 Pride Party • 5:00-7:30 pm


AUGUST Friday, August 9 Nutty for Nocturnals • Open until 8:00 pm! Enjoy special zookeeper chats and learn about the 60th Anniversary • Open until 8:00 pm! Celebrate the Randall Oaks Zoo’s 60th anniversary with a party. Make toys and treats for the animals, watch the animals eat and play with watermelons, have an animal encounter with a zookeeper, enjoy an Anniversary treat, and see the warm glow of the Zoo as the sun sets. Zoo’s nocturnal animals. Friday, August 16

Saturday, July 6 Brew at the Zoo • 5:30-8:00 pm

We’ve got no lions, but we’ve got PRIDE! Randall Oaks Zoo is a place where everyone can be themselves. We'll celebrate our differences, with our animals, zookeepers, and our community. Join our after-hours party featuring lawn games, zoo tours, and rainbow enrichments for the animals. Sunday, June 16 Father’s Day Fathers get in free with the purchase of a child’s ticket.

Join us in our fundraiser for the care of the Randall Oaks Zoo’s animals. Enjoy a variety of adult beverages, food trucks, live music, lawn games, silent auctions, zookeep er led tours, and our friendly animals. We are grateful for your support. For tickets visit www.dtpd.org

Saturday, June 22 Pollinatorpallooza!

Taste honey, play pollinator games, take home native wildflower seeds and have fun with a pollinator parade at 11:00 am and 2:00 pm. Join in the fun!


Sunday, September 8 Grandparents Day Grandparents get in free with the purchase of a child’s ticket. September 28-

September 28-October 27 Fall Festival Enjoy all the fun of Autumn with hayrides, pumpkin

NOVEMBER DECEMBER November 1-24 Dinovember The dinosaurs are loose again in the Zoo! Weekends Only December 7-22 Winterfest • 10:00 am-7:00 pm Holiday lights, visits with Santa and magic for all!

enrichments for the animals, pedal tractors for the kids, fall treats for sale and animal encounters. October 26-27 Boo at the Zoo Enjoy trick-or-treating throughout the Zoo and a costume parade.

October 27 Fall Festival

Regular zoo admission applies, unless otherwise noted.

www.dtpd.org • Spring 2024 • Dundee Township Park District | 15

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