Fall Guide 2024
Athletic Leagues
Youth Athletic Leagues
Registration Begins
League Begins
Spring Soccer
Winter Guide Summer Guide
Fall Soccer
Winter Basketball Summer Basketball Fall Flag Football
Fall Guide
Spring Guide Summer Guide
Contact Shane at (847) 428-7131x2206 or svarvil@dtpd.org to see if spots are still available for Fall Soccer & Fall Flag Football.
Download the League Registration Form @ https://www.dtpd.org/forms
Youth Basketball League Grades 1-8 Sign your children up now, as this popular program is on a first-come, first-served basis. Fun and skills are emphasized. Each team will have a volunteer coach. Parents that are interested in coaching, please contact Shane at (847) 428-7131x2206 or svarvil@dtpd.org. Uniforms T -Shirts will be given to 1st-2nd grade and revers ible jerseys given to grades 3rd-8th for game days. Practice E ach team will practice at least once a week. Prac tice days, times, and locations will vary based on grade level and which team your child is placed on. Practices will start the week of December 2 for all leagues. Games G ame days are primarily on Saturdays. Games will start January 11. Some Sunday and weeknight games may be scheduled if needed. Teams may play away games against other surrounding towns. This will be determined based on the number of teams in each league. Times, dates, and locations will be provided for the entire season before the first scheduled game. Teams T eams for grades 1-4 will be formed by the Athletic Supervisor. Grades 1-4 are the only levels we accept friend requests. Friend requests will be reviewed but are not guaranteed due to the growing size of our program. Evaluations will be held for all players in grades 5-8 followed by a player draft to form teams. Evaluations Players are not required to attend evaluations but it is recommended . All evaluations are held at the Randall Oaks Recreation Center
Youth Volleyball League Grades 5-8 We are partnering with the Hampshire Park District to offer a new Youth Volleyball League. Teams will practice one night a week either on Monday or Friday beginning Oct. 15. Additionally, teams will play a 6 game schedule beginning on Oct. 26. Games will be played at both the Randall Oaks Recreation Center and Hampshire Park District. Volunteer coaches are needed! If you are interested in coaching please reach out to Shane at (847) 428-7131x2206 or svarvil@dtpd.org. Grades 5-6 • Co-Ed 47052-01 Oct. 26-Nov. 23 Sa/10:00 am-1:00 pm $80(R)/$95(NR) RORC Grades 7-8 • Girls 47052-02 Oct. 26-Nov. 23 Sa/10:00 am-1:00 pm $80(R)/$95(NR) RORC
5/6 Grade Boys • Tuesday, Nov. 12 • 6:30-7:30 pm 5/6 Grade Girls • Thursday Nov. 14 • 5:30-6:30 pm 7/8 Grade Boys • Tuesday, Nov. 12 • 7:30-8:30 pm 7/8 Grade Girls • Thursday, Nov. 14 • 6:30-7:30 pm Prices on/before 10/7 *
Grade: 1-2 • Coed 47201-01 Grade: 3-4 • Boys 47203-03 Grade: 3-4 • Girls 47203-13 Grade: 5-6 • Boys 47205-05 Grade: 5-6 • Girls 47205-15 Grade: 7-8 • Boys 47207-07 Grade: 7-8 • Girls 47207-17
Jan. 11-March 1 Jan. 11-March 1 Jan. 11-March 1 Jan. 11-March 8 Jan. 11-March 8 Jan. 11-March 8 Jan. 11-March 8
$100(R)/$120(NR) $123(R)/$143(NR) $123(R)/$143(NR) $123(R)/$143(NR) $123(R)/$143(NR) $123(R)/$143(NR) $123(R)/$143(NR)
Coaches Needed for Youth Leagues All volunteer Head Coaches will be given a reimbursement of their registration fee in the form of a Household Credit at the end of the season. To volunteer, please contact Shane at (847) 428-7131 x2206 or svarvil@dtpd.org
*Prices increase $15 on or after 10/8
16 | Dundee Township Park District • Fall 2024 • www.dtpd.org
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